Oct 7, '08

The cantine of Dave


Dave ( 12 Rue de Richelieu, 75001,tel.: 01 42 61 49 48 ) is the PLACE to be during the Paris fashion week. Old fashioned boudoir style interior, red walls hidden by polaroids of top models, actors and fashion people. And, of course, Dave, the main reason why all these fashion and show business people are queuing here since 1982.

The place is so “exclusive” that you almost have to work in one of the industries mentioned above to get a reservation here. The restaurant doesn’t have menus- it is Dave who asks “what you don”t eat? ” and then suggest the dishes of the day. Vegetable spring rolls, shrimp ravioli and pork ribs with caramel sauce were not bad in fact, but, ultimately it doesn’t matter as people come here ” to look and to be looked at”…

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