Location: Spain / page 3 of 10
DiverXo, Madrid

DiverXo, Madrid

DiverXo, Madrid

Fabulous avantgarde cooking by Dabiz Muñoz, one of the most talented and creative 3 star chefs in the world at the moment, who describes his style as “complex, full of flavour, very very risky and surprising.” A trip around the world (this time Mexico, China, India..), it is a roller…

Jan '20
10 product “temples” in Spain

10 product “temples” in Spain

10 product “temples” in Spain

10 product “temples” in Spain worth a special trip or at least a detour. In random order. 1. Elkano – no one outsources and grills turbot as precisely as Aitor Arregi and his grill masters. if I had to choose only one seafood-focused restaurant in Spain, it would be certainly…

Dec '19
The best cheesecakes in Spain

The best cheesecakes in Spain

The best cheesecakes in Spain

Here are my Instagram subscriber’s most common answers and my research of the best cheesecakes in Spain. (10 – in random order) Enjoy! La Viña, San Sebastian Zuberoa, Ugaldetxo Tickets, Barcelona Estimar, Barcelona Bodega 1900, Barcelona Llisa Negra, Valencia La Buena Vida, Madrid Fismuler, Madrid Cañadio, Madrid Cataria, Cádiz

Jul '19
Quique Dacosta

Quique Dacosta

Quique Dacosta

Some of my favourite dishes at Quique Dacosta restaurant (3*) in Denia. (Fantastic cooking worth a special trip!)

Jul '19
Wrap-up of EL NORTE

Wrap-up of EL NORTE

Wrap-up of EL NORTE

2 days were certainly not enough in Galicia and Asturias, especially given it was my first time there. Nonetheless, with the very limited time we had, we managed to visit a few very special places, which definitely merit another trip. D’Berto in O Grove – iconic seafood institution, specialising in…

Jul '19
Seafood temple – Güeyu Mar

Seafood temple – Güeyu Mar

Seafood temple – Güeyu Mar

Last night at Güeyu Mar, another seafood temple, that’s been on my list for a while. The simple restaurant steps away from a beach specializes in the local seafood, namely deep seawater “Rey fish”, that is very similar to or same (?) as Splendid Alfonsino or Kinmedai ( キンメダイ). The…

Jul '19
Highlights from D’Berto

Highlights from D’Berto

Highlights from D’Berto

Highlights from D’Berto, one of the places I’ve been wanting to visit for a while, known for exceptional quality seafood caught from the local Galician seas. Borja Beneyto and Carlos Mateos wrote about it extensively in their book “Templos del Producto” along with other produce-focused restaurants in Spain such as…

Jul '19
Sacha’s perfect meal

Sacha’s perfect meal

Sacha’s perfect meal

Beginning my “last meal” (or should I rather call them “perfect meal” so they don’t sound so sad) series with the one and only, Sacha Hormaechea, the owner of Sacha, my favourite restaurant in Madrid. He is a legendary chef, photographer and most of all a bon viveur I had…

Jul '19
Disfrutar, Barcelona

Disfrutar, Barcelona

Disfrutar, Barcelona

Some classic and new (out of 25) dishes at Disfrutar in Barcelona, one of my favourite fine dining restaurants in Spain.

Jul '19
World’s best turbot

World’s best turbot

World’s best turbot

World’s best turbot at Elkano- it’s all about the terroir, product and not ruining it. “Char-grilling a two kilo turbot requires a fish griller the size of the chosen turbot. Salt is sprinkled onto its light coloured side before it is placed on the grill. The embers must be moderate:…

Jun '19