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The legend of the truffle soup

The legend of the truffle soup

The legend of the truffle soup

The legend of the famous truffle soup was born in 1975 February 25, whenFrench president Valéry Giscard D’Estaingpromoted Paul Bocuse to Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur (the highest decoration in France). For that occasion, the father of French gastronomy was asked to prepare a special meal and one of the…

Jan '14
Saturne revisited

Saturne revisited

Saturne revisited

It was my third time at Saturne (17 Rue Notre-Dame des Victoires, 75002 Paris; tel. +33 1 42 60 31 90) and despite trying really hard to love it (thus, the repeated visits), I am still convinced that the simplistic, “market-based” cooking practised at this restaurant lacks taste, emotions and…

Jan '14
Les Enfants Rouges

Les Enfants Rouges

Les Enfants Rouges

This is what I would call the quintessentially perfect piece of veal. It’s been slowly braised and then roasted which makes it soft, juicy and fatty in the inside and crispy on the outside. Even if the new chef of Les Enfants Rouges (9 Rue de Beauce, 75003 Paris; tel.…

Jan '14
20 most memorable dishes in 2013

20 most memorable dishes in 2013

20 most memorable dishes in 2013

Another year of amazing gastronomic discoveries has flown by. Tokyo, Kyoto, Hong Kong, Singapore, New York, Paris, Vilnius, Stockholm, Rome, Venice, London, Barcelona, Valencia, Amsterdam, Thailand, the Mediterranean… I couldn’t be more grateful in my life for being able to travel and discover the work of all these extraordinary chefs……

Dec '13



Christian Le Squer’s name might not immediately come to mind when thinking of legendary 3 Michelin stars chefs, but this discrete master should not go overlooked. He gained his first two Michelin stars while heading up the Restaurant Opera at the Grand Hotel Intercontinental. The third came in 2002 at…

Dec '13
With 7 Chome Kyoboshi chef

With 7 Chome Kyoboshi chef

With 7 Chome Kyoboshi chef

With 7 Chome Kyoboshi chef in Tokyo last August, who until recently was the only tempura chef in the world to hold 3 Michelin stars. Despite him losing the third star, I still think he is the one and only grand master of tempura (Albeit the most expensive!).

Dec '13
At Torrisi Italian specialities

At Torrisi Italian specialities

At Torrisi Italian specialities

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”.. (Leonardo da Vinci). Slightly warm mozzarella with olive oil, served with crostini at Torrisi Italian specialities (250 Mulberry St, New York, NY 10012; tel. (212) 965-0955).

Dec '13
Ramen wars: Totto vs Ippudo

Ramen wars: Totto vs Ippudo

Ramen wars: Totto vs Ippudo

I am not a big fan of chicken-based ramen broth, but I must admit that Totto ramen (specializing in only chicken-based broth) overall quality was better than Ippudo (specializing in pork-based broth). I used to love Ippudo in NY and I still do love their small plates as pork buns…

Dec '13
Peter Luger steakhouse

Peter Luger steakhouse

Peter Luger steakhouse

Some images from Peter Luger, probably the best traditional American steakhouse I’ve ever been… (and no, this trip to NY had nothing to do with diet!)

Dec '13
New York style pizza at Rubirosa

New York style pizza at Rubirosa

New York style pizza at Rubirosa

Forget about artisanal pizzas from fancy, unconventional ingredients. What I look forward mostly whenever I go to New York is the New York style pizza with a crust so thin, and crispy on the sides that you have to fold it in order to eat it without making a mess.…

Dec '13