The name of Jacques Le Divellec, the owner of one-star Le Divellec, is a synonym for superb and high-quality seafood. Besides of extremely fresh oysters, Le Divellec is one of those few Parisian fish restaurants which bake turbot filets how they have to be – thick and juicy.
This time though, I was quite disappointed about this yacht club-style restaurant in the 7th. First of all, I realized that Jacques Le Divellec, like Paul Bocuse, and other older generation chefs never change their menus and their way of cooking is very old fashioned and is opposite to creativity. “Blanc de turbot braisé aux truffe” was “correct”, but blank and boring. So as other dishes, which look much better on the menu than they are in reality. Also, the decor is “tired” and cries for renovation. Considering the high prices, they could do something about that…