When you are in the Guy Savoy restaurant in Paris you feel like you are in his home. Guy Savoy is not only one of the best chefs in the world (3 Michelin stars) but is very nice and warm in person as well.
Even during lunchtime, he is there to greet everybody and after few seconds of conversation you feel as if you’ve known him for ages (well, also because I’ve been there few times :)).
Maybe because Guy Savoy used to be the apprentice of Pierre Troisgros (the retired father of Michel Troisgros), he shares some similarities with the Troisgros family cooking.
The cooking is convivial and luxurious at the same time. The the freshness of products is revealed by not overcooking them and keeping the dishes as simple and pure as possible.
The restaurant design is sleek and modern with dark honey wood elements and African style statues.
Iced poached oystersArtichoke and black truffle soup, layered brioche with mushrooms and truffles (the speciality of Guy Savoy)Rib of turbot with egg salad and soup, served in two services